配信日:2023/07/17 女優名:工藤ララ 配信サイト:Hey動画 EAGLE
FULL MOVIE DOWNLOAD => 義父にヤられ続ける娘とのSEX映像 工藤ララ
動画コメント:母を早くに亡くし、無職の義父と娘の二人暮らし。貧しくとも健気に義父を支える娘「ララ」とその優しさに甘え娘を身勝手に貪る義父。生活は困窮し日々の不安の最中、繰り返す猥行為に嫌悪感を抱きつつも孤独な義父に寄り添う娘。執拗までの異常な愛情を娘に注ぎこむ。仕込まれたカラダは日増しに感度を増し、受け入れ絆を深めていく…。The unemployed woman、 who lost her mother early in life、 lives with her step-father. She supports her step-father in spite of her poverty、 and he takes advantage of her kindness. In the midst of a life of poverty and daily insecurity、 the daughter is disgusted by her step-father's repeated indecent acts、 but cannot bring herself to leave. He pours his obsessive and abnormal love into his step-daughter and their bond slowly deepens…
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